Tip 1: Keep your social accounts private.

  • Don't upload all your contact or address information. Hackers can use that to break into your account.
  • Only add people you know and can verify.
  • Use a strong password, with a variety of symbols and numbers.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). This is where you confirm your identity over two or more devices.

Tip 2: Check your bank statements.

  • If there's any suspicious activity, it should show up here.
  • See anything going out you don't remember signing up for? Talk to your bank, get your card suspended, or change access to your account.
  • If you lose a credit card, suspend it immediately. Then go in to talk to your bank branch or credit card supplier about a replacement.


Tip 3: Back up your data.

  • Make sure everything you have online or on your device is backed up if you get locked out.
  • Keep your devices up to date by installing the latest security upgrades.

Tip 4: Know your fraudsters.

  • Scammers are people pretending to be your friend, the government, or anyone you trust, to get you to hand over money or give access to your electronic devices.
  • Hackers are people who break into your account to steal your info or cash.
  • Identify theft is when hackers or scammers get a hold of your info and pretend to be you — often quite successfully!
  • The dark web is where illegal trade is made online and where some of your stolen data end up.
  • Never go on the dark web yourself, even to recover your stolen data. Leave that to the police.

Tip 5: Be careful on free Wi-Fi

  • Network or hotspots and cafes around town are unsecured, so your information is a lot less private.
  • Don't do any banking or online shopping on a public network you're much more likely to be seen.


Tip 6: Get a credit check.

  • Monitor your credit score along with your bank statements. Your score dropping unexpectedly can be a clue that you've been hacked.
  • Getting a credit check helps you see who else has viewed your information.

Yonda: Helping you stay safe online.

The good news is that Yonda has designed a credit scoring tool to keep you safe when viewing your credit details. Check your score on the go by logging into a secure mobile platform that helps you set and achieve financial goals. 

Sound good? Head to our homepage to download the app and find out more.



Info and tools on the Yonda website are used as a guide only and do not constitute financial advice. Use Yonda as a starting point and then seek professional advice.


Mortgage finance tips.

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Credit score check.

Credit scoring tips.

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Personal loan tips.