Tip 1: Get on it.

  • If you're currently employed, talk to your boss — you could have signed on to KiwiSaver without even realising it.
  • If you're freelancing, contracting or self-employed, you might have to set it up yourself.
  • Check My KiwiSaver to find your provider if you don't know who they are.

Tip 2: Up your contribution.

  • If you have a financial goal in mind, like saving up to buy a house in the next few years, push out to a higher contribution rate.
  • Rates are 3, 4, 6, 8 or 10%.
  • Based on your current income, calculate what you can afford to put into your KiwiSaver vault.
  • Don't be afraid to put in extra bits of cash to it over time — you don't always have to wait for your automatic contribution to kick in.


Tip 3: Treat your KiwiSaver like interest.

  • KiwiSaver isn't really a savings account it's an investment scheme to grow your savings account.
  • Choose your KiwiSaver provider based on the rate of interest they offer.
  • Get familiar with the different types of interest defensive, conservative, balanced, growth and aggressive.

Tip 4: Read your KiwiSaver report.

  • Your provider will send out KiwiSaver statements — make sure to take an interest in these reports.
  • Check for the following; your balance (overall savings), any difference (the change between opening and closing balance for the year) and withdrawals you've made.
  • Note what gets taken up in tax and fees (yep, your provider takes a slice out of your KiwiSaver interest!)


Tip 5: Only withdraw if you can meet the following…

  • Severe illness (you or a dependant family member).
  • Declaring bankruptcy.
  • Needing a suspension due to financial hardship.
  • Looking to buy a home.
  • Retiring.


Tip 6: Check what else you're owed.

  • First home buyers can get between $5-10,000 through the First Home Grant, depending on whether they're buying an existing home or planning a build.
  • You can also get $1,000 a year in subsidies from when you first open KiwiSaver.
  • Don't rely on any scheme, though. There are caps on income, house price, existing debt and other factors that could count you out of the running.
  • But that doesn't mean you can't take a sneak peek to see if you can't get some free money. So check your eligibility first.
  • If you can, factor it into your budget. If not, you've still got a KiwiSaver that's building up interest.

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Yonda’s all about helping you make a real difference when it comes to your financial future. Want more guidance on making the most out of your KiwiSaver? We’ve created a new app designed to help you start budgeting better and check your credit score on the go.

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Info and tools on the Yonda website are used as a guide only and do not constitute financial advice. Use Yonda as a starting point and then seek professional advice.


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